Monday, September 21, 2009

Brooklyn is 3!

Brooklyn wanted a pink Kitty cake for her birthday.

Presents are always a favorite!

She wanted the Lott family to come to her party. My friend Di watches her more than anyone else. This is Gavin happy after eating cake.

James with Alexis and Spencer

Nolan with Arden
Brooklyn also wanted party hats and noise makers....

Our sweet little birthday girl. She was so excited all day for her birthday party, she was just as happy to have the Lott's share it with us. Their kids are always so good to her. It is hard to imagine our baby is 3! We all still think of her as the baby, I am not sure we will ever let her grow up! She is so much fun and she is such a happy girl. She still loves animals, the color pink and her belly button (that will be another blog!).

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Oh, love the outfit she is wearing! Happy Birthday!