Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring is on it's way.....

Easter Sunday

Nolan wanted to take a pic kissing Brooklyn (It's a rough life being the youngest!)

So James wanted to take one to. I thought it was sweet.

dying our Easter eggs.

Easter baskets

Ready to see the baskets and hunt for those eggs.

Hunting for eggs.....
Kylie couldn't look more enthusiastic, she was hoping for the money eggs.

Nolan got all the money eggs, we really don't hide that much but he got it all but $1.

checking out the loot

I thought this was a cute pic of Brook asleep on Kylie's leg



Anonymous said...

I love all the pics Nat! It looks like you had a lot of fun on Easter.

Charlotte said...

Cute! I love the pic of Brooklyn sleeping!

Lulu said...

kylie is looking so grown up and beautiful, brooklyn is adorable, and how did you end up with such handsome boys? those were such fun to see.