Friday, February 6, 2009

Things that bug me

I was tagged so here are ten things that bug me;

1. Having to repeat myself. ~I think my kids think I will eventually forget if I say it enough times.

2. Unpacking after movers pack you. ~Do they really need to individually wrap and tape every childs toy?

3. Never Ending Laundry!

4.Being interupted during a good book.~Yes that means eating take out for the entire Twilight series.

5.Having money to shop and coming home empty handed.

6. An empty treat box in the pantry. ~Come on, Are you kidding me?

7. Clean Clothes in the dirty laundry~And I wonder why laundry is never ending!

8. Dirty Bathrooms~Need I say more?

9. Snow, I love it the first postcard looking day but thats it! I am a Texan at heart!

10. Our slow computer, I keep telling Dean one day I am going to throw it out the window and then we will have to buy a computer and a window! You would think that would work but, I am still waiting....

So now I tag Luana, Charlotte, Bethany, Paige and Di. Come on girls I know you can do it, if you have done it recently ignore me!


Paige said...

First of all, I will happily unpack if someone packs up for me. Second of all, I dont believe for a second you could go shopping and come home empty handed.

Natalie said...

It's a very sad day when I come home empty handed, but it does happen!

Colette said...

This post reminded me of how much I miss you. I love your sense of life.