Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Memories.....

So happy the Zhu Zhu hamsters were a big hit!!!!

Brooklyn kept telling us Santa was bringing her a Zhu Zhu pet??? I had no clue what one was or how to spell it, so I asked James and he called me the next time a commercial was on. When I saw it I knew I had to find one, Brooklyn is such an animal nut that I knew she would love it. So with weeks till Christmas I wasn't concerned at all. I have always been an early shopper. So I googled the little hamsters and of course they were the HOT toy this year. Even weeks before christmas I could not just order one. Everyone was sold out or if I could find anything they wanted three times as much for it. So, I tried to talk her into something else. Of course it didn't work and of course this year that is all she was asking for. So I went to both Target and Walmart and ask them what their delivery days were, between Dean and I we hit both stores on all delivery days for the next 2 1/2 weeks and we came up with every piece she was asking for. And to think Santa gets all the credit.........

The shoveling went on and on.....

Dean took this of Brooklyn admiring my necklace, I think it's a sweet picture.


Kylie playing away on her new guitar....

Male bonding over a new game....and a bowl of soup.


Charlotte said...

Isn't Christmas fun? I had the blues the day after...cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics Natalie!!! Tell Kylie her guitar looks really nice!

Colette said...

Is that Axis and Allies? One of our family's favorite games. We haven't tried the new version. Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

Natalie said...

yes, that is Axis and Allies. I wish we close enough for the boys to play.

sallyssimpleblog said...

I wish Tori wanted ZhuZhu pets, instead she got Live rats! Yikes! but they actually are really cute!

Unknown said...

Dean, you look exactly like your Dad. . . Good to see your Christmas letter.